
Young people learn circus skills in Studio 1 at Jacksons Lane

Annual Review 23 / 24

We are delighted to share our annual review for the period April 23-March 24. In a year which saw the exciting development of both our Artistic and Creative Engagement programmes, we have seen our reach stretch from our communities at home through to artists across the planet. In this easy-to-read visual document we share our achievements across our artistic, creative engagement, community and environmental programmes, as well as detailing how we earn and spend our money.

It is great to look back on all the people we reached – over 72000 – and how we reached them. Our team worked tirelessly to ensure we are a hub for everyone, both inside and beyond our building, now in its third year since its refurbishment. We are proud to be local, proud to be national, proud to be international.

We are so grateful for the continued, invaluable support of our community: from signing up as Supporters and Friends to making donations at Christmas, from supporting our free ticket schemes and contributing to our wall of kindness to promoting and championing our work. We truly could not create the impact we do without you.

JL Annual review 23-24

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Young people learn circus skills in Studio 1 at Jacksons Lane

Annual Review 23 / 24

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